
The Direct Booking Tool for Accommodations & Surf Schools

The Surf Holidays Direct Booking Tool is an Online Booking System for Surf Camps and Schools.

It allows your guests book Nights, Packages, Surf Lessons & Extras LIVE on your website in 3 easy steps.

If you are an Accommodation/Surf Camp:

See How our Online Booking System for Surf Camps works.

If you are a Surf School:

See How our Online Booking System for Surf Schools works.

What our partners say...

"As I am a little IT-geek myself I know how much work goes into the development of a platform like this and how much can go wrong. The Surfholiday Direct Booking Tool runs super smooth and I really do like that they are constantly trying to make our life easier and offer the best and smoothest booking experience for our clients. We have tried a couple of smaller platforms which are trying to specialize in the surftourism market. They were all very basic and nothing to compare with the Surfholidays Direct Booking Tool. Plus they all had very little traction on the market and the return was never any good. We will definitely keep working together with them and are excited already what kind of tools they will be coming out in the future."

Tobi Ebner, Na Onda Surf School, Ericeira, Portugal

"SurfHolidays has become a great partner as their system saves us lots of time and effort which we can put into other issues and as a consequence to focus in what is really most important to us and to our business. Surfholidays system is most probably the most advanced and robust which we worked with. We tried other platforms but none was so specific, efficient and user friendly. We´ll keep our work with Surfholidays as it´s also part of our success and growth."

Nuno Sequeira, Surf Lisbon, Lisbon.

"We have been working on spreadsheets for years and wasted a lot of money on bespoke booking engines which amounted to nothing so we were hesitant at first to use another one but we have been working with Surfholidays for over 7 years now and they continue to help us grow. We´ve found their system extremely advanced and adaptable to our needs. We have only been live for a short time but already it has saved us a lot of time and effort which is vital for us as we are only a small team multi-tasking with various responsibilities so we are extremely happy with the system so far."

Michaela Wolff, Extreme Algarve, Portugal.

Working with 1,000 + Surf Accommodation & Schools

Why use the Direct Booking Tool?

Surfholidays.com was set up by surfers for surfers. We understand your pain when it comes to trying to receive booking in advance and getting everything organised so you can offer the highest quality accommodation & surf lessons.


Receive live bookings 24/7 from your website.


Increase conversions with a simple booking experience.

Many Options

Sell whatever you want:
night rates, packages, discounts, extras, transfers & more.

Easy & Secure

Easy payment system for your guests


Free up time from answering emails & booking requests.


Come Join Us