When most people think about surfboards they think about the magic feeling of gliding down the face of a wave. What might not come to mind is that the majority of a surfboard's life will be spent out of the water! The way you take care of a surfboard when it is not in the water is an often overlooked secret of having the best time while surfing. If your board is stored and maintained properly you will get the most of those precious seconds you spend actually surfing. Here are some tips on how to keep your surfboard happy and healthy.
To rest your mind, keep your board on a sturdy surfboard rack. On a good surfboard rack the board will not fall over or get damaged in careless ways. Respect your board and in the long run you will spend less money on repairs. Another reason to respect your board is that it was most likely hand-shaped. A good rack is a way of paying tribute to this craftsmanship.
There are several factors to consider when deciding which kind of surfboard rack to get, the greatest being what kind of board you have. A light short-board is great for a modular rack system, you can even expand the rack to fit your whole quiver! If you have a heavier board however, its time to bring out the big-guns and get a heavy duty rack. This is especially true of stand up paddle boards (SUPs) which are the sumo-wrestlers of surfboards. To store an SUP make sure you choose a SUP rack over a traditional rack.

The second factor is where you decide to put the rack. If you've got a heavy board that and want to have an easy time lifting it on and off the rack, get a horizontal rack that holds the board parallel to the ground. Angled racks are great space savers, but to really save space consider putting your board on a ceiling rack. Ceiling racks are perfect for garages.
Choose wisely where you mount your surfboard racks. One of the biggest enemies to a healthy surfboard is the sun. UV damage makes surfboards brittle and even tinges their colour. Keep your board out of the way of UV rays and it will retain the special feel it had when it was brand new. Salt water is also corrosive to surfboards, so be sure to give your board a quick rinse when you get out of the ocean.
Once you've got the best spot picked out, mount your racks onto a very sturdy foundation. In most cases this means finding the stud within your wall. Take care when doing this and you will never have to worry about your board falling. The next time the waves look good you can grab your board and go knowing that it is ready for action!