This article was added by Francesca Bingley
The beginning of a new year is always a good time to take stock of what has gone on in the year before that you loved, and what you feel like you want to improve on. Where did you surf that captured your imagination, or was there a particular place that you wanted to surf that you hadn’t visited yet? Do you feel your surfing could improve if you put more time into it?
Setting a few attainable new year resolutions to get you motivated to set some surf sessions in motion is a great way to start the year. So here are a few ideas for your goals:
- 1- Go on Two Surf Holidays

Divide your year up with two different surf holidays to keep you inspired at home, and looking forward to a new surf adventure. Having a summer and a winter surf holiday to aim for will help you keep your fitness up, and a focus to all your hard work in your job. We love Morocco year round, but where will you choose?
- 2- Replace the Old Beat-up Wetsuit

As much as you may love surfing, no-one enjoys getting into that hole-y, torn, smelly and generally cold wetsuit. Instead, this year invest in a new wetsuit that will see you through as many seasons as possible. Winter steamers are great for northern Europe, or if you are planning on surfing in the warmer waters of Spain or Portugal, a spring suit is better suited throughout the year.
- 3- Surf Somewhere New

Surfing is all about adventure and planning your next surf trip is a big part of the fun. So make sure you pick out a destination that you haven’t been to before, and go explore its coastline, culture and embrace the chance to enjoy being somewhere ‘else’.
- 4- Eat Cleaner to Perform Better

Everyone goes on about fad diets and how they are going to loose weight at the beginning of the year only to give up within a matter of weeks. Instead of making yourself miserable denying things you love, why not eat better for yourself in order to be stronger in your surfing? Food is fuel and will enhance your time in the surf giving you much needed energy.
So next time you’re planning a surf trip, have a think about what you want to eat in the run-up so you feel great when you finally get into the surf.
So next time you’re planning a surf trip, have a think about what you want to eat in the run-up so you feel great when you finally get into the surf.
- 5- Be Creative with Training

Along with fad diets in the New Year comes crazy gym regimes that soon make our bank accounts leaner rather than us. Alternatively set the goal to get creative with training for surfing. What can you do on the water when it’s flat? Or out in nature where its free to workout?
If you are hot, sweating, and sore afterwards, then you are doing something right… even better if it emulates surfing, such as front crawl or even balance board practice. You never regret a workout.
If you are hot, sweating, and sore afterwards, then you are doing something right… even better if it emulates surfing, such as front crawl or even balance board practice. You never regret a workout.