The obvious approach is within the packaging. Your surfboard being the most important part of your surfing equipment needs to arrive at your destination undamaged and ready to go! If you have a high quality surfboard bag then it will be less of a priority to package excessively. A hard case that is about 6 inches longer than the board and at least 10mm thick would be the ideal purchase to ensure maximum benefit. The nose and tail are the areas which are most prone to damage so it is advisable to protect these with extra padding.

Your fins are also a likely component to get damaged within the transit process. In some cases they may be removable and can therefore be packaged separately in plenty of bubble wrap, polystyrene or even wrapped in your beach towel to save on suitcase space. If they are non-removable the easiest way is to purchase specialised fin protectors. A handy alternative would be to use polystyrene blocks to encase the fins and ensure the same amount of protection but at a cheaper price.
Materials used for padding should be considered carefully, as the lighter they are, the less it will cost to transport. There are certain airlines however which provide surfer friendly benefits but also ones who have banned the transportation of such equipment.
Although it may not make a difference, it's better to be safe than sorry so write the words ‘FRAGILE' boldly on any packaging where it can easily be noticed. Once all the above has been taken into consideration you should feel more confident about travelling with your equipment and the result should more than likely provide you with a surf board in perfect condition for you to enjoy abroad!
This article was written by Alexandra, an experienced traveller and blogger on behalf of MF Airport Parking who provide an excellent and affordable Gatwick Airport Parking service.